Five valley forge notes
NAK designs inc. Has been busy forging away on multiple projects lately. This forged iron and wrought iron gate bi folds to create two different openings. All joints where done by hand. Each job requires new tooling to make it. The amount of problem solving to get the end result is one of my favorite […]
Five valleys smithy notes
Here at nakdesignsinc signs have played a big part in business growth. I have had the pleasure to work with many non profits and for profit businesses. Im going to post some of the sign work that I’ve done in the last couple of years.
Five Valleys Smithy notes

Today we installed a sign for the Missoula,MT parkour gym Unparalleled Movement. It is steel on aluminum and aluminum on steel inside a steel frame. We are also working on finishing up or 30 Copper top tables that will be going to the Top Hat Lounge here in Missoula,MT. These tables are 20 oz. copper […]
Forged Cookware

Here Is a forged cookware set I made for Christmas. The turner, flipper and fork are all made from 5/8″ round stock.
Copper Belt Buckles

Fold formed and Repousse’ copper belt buckles. I have been having some fun the last couple of days playing with copper. To make these buckles I have made the tooling to make the impression and hammered all of the lines into them. The buckle below is hand formed in a style called repousse’ raising […]
Forged Copper

This hand forged copper light fixture was custom made for Clients of NAK Designs, Inc. that have a whole kitchen designed and custom made by them. This copper light is hanging over the top of a custom forged copper sink that NAK Designs had been hired to make that sparked this whole new kitchen. Many […]