Reclaimed barn wood doors made from a water tower

Posted by on Feb 5, 2015 in Uncategorized

I’m making custom sized bearing to fit an old barn rail.  Hand making the trollies with welded and forged iron hangers.  These will be hung on custom barn doors I have made from some 125 year old wood reclaimed from an old water tower.IMG_2037


The handmade trollies are fully adjustable and ready to be welded.  They will be welded to the forged iron straps that go down the face of the door.


Here the straps have been weld and the trollies are in the reclaimed barn door track.


The stars and trollies have been installed onto the barn door.  I handmade the square head bolts that attach the strap to the door.



The outer frame of the door is made of a 125 year old water tower from Logan ,MT I’ve re sawn the barrel staves and made a frame.  I in filled the bottom with old barn wood and placed a sheet of steel up top.  The steel sheet will be used as a black board with soapstone to write with.  These will hang in a kitchen pantry.



The barn doors are hung and finished.

